
I arrived last Sunday. My mind was marinated in Britishness after a day on Centre Court, but I managed to eliminate all emotions that would have made me upset about what was happening. I knew as soon as I’d get on that plane, my life would be different. I was on execution mode and allowed myself no time to think - ahead or back. Definitely not back, it was too late for last minute regrets.

7 days later, I can remember nothing of that day, bar Lilla waiting for me in front of the house as I got out of the taxi - holding my new keys, a loaf of sourdough bread, fresh towels and a roll of toilet paper. I haven’t seen her since high school, yet she welcomed me as if no time had passed since 2005. In a weird way high school bonds us all together for life and in that moment I was so happy it did.

My memories of life in Islington faded rapidly. I come home to a different apartment now, I have different routines, even the sky is a different blue. Everybody’s blond, beautiful and extremely nice. Hinge looks like a Calvin Klein campaign. The sun rises at 3:15 am and sets at midnight. The birds are absolutely mental.

It feels like this place has been my home since the beginning of time.

I live in a fifth floor attic and it’s almost completely empty. Funny how you can press a button to restart your life and bumm: no furniture, no knowledge, no regime. I didn’t think much about this move at all, I fell into a “yes, let’s do it” and three months later I packed 3 suitcases and got on a plane. By that time I had an apartment waiting for me in Södermalm, an absolutely gorgeous island in Stockholm. For some reason, it seems, the Universe wanted me here and aligned the stars to make this happen without my initial permission. But hey, what do I always say: It is the unexpected that changes your life.

I can’t wait to see what you have for me, Sweden.

(Some furniture to start with?)


Sardinia II.