One-way ticket to Stockholm

This week presented a fantastic lineup of friends, food, wholesome wine and malbec-soaked silly feelings. I’m trying to counterbalance my relocation anxiety with a forced surge in social activities, but sometimes I still catch myself jotting down a virtual list of all things that can go wrong. Some of the assumptions my mind makes from absolutely nothing are truly nerve-racking, but I try not to believe everything I think - for my own sake.

It’s my love affair with London, isn’t it, that makes it hard to imagine that I’d ever voluntarily leave a place I love so much. “She’s not gonna go” said one friend to another friend, well and truly believing that I’d never leave. Let me admit: for some time I didn’t think I’d be brave enough to go either. I made a decision on the go, slowly and naturally falling into saying yes. Saying yes to another job, another country, another life. And since then I haven’t looked back.

So, between dinners and hangouts with my favourite people, I bought a one-way ticket to Stockholm this week. For the first time, it felt real - it really is happening. After a mentally and emotionally rough two years, I’m hoping for something supreme.

But till then…Let my last month in London begin.


Sardinia I.


A quick drink alone in 76 Dean street